TARTS   (Torten und Toertchen)


Tart Crust:


3 eggs,separated

1 cup sugar

½ cup milk, hot (not boiling)

½ lemon, juice and grated peels

4 tbls.butter

1 cup flour

¼ tsp. Salt

1 ½ tbls. Baking powder


Beat egg yolks and add ½ cup sugar gradually, beating to a froth. Mix hot milk with remaining sugar, lemon juice and peel and butter. Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder and combine all mixtures. Fold in beaten egg whites carefully. (do not over beat into mixture)


This cake glace to be used (buy from World Market)  approx $1.29


Instructions for ONE cake: Put both packets into a cup. Put 4 tablespoons of sugar into cup. Out of two cups, spoon 3 tblsp of juice into mixture (do ot use any other juice) until very smooth. Add two more tablespoons of juice to make it a bit more smoother. Meanwhile boil the remainder of the 2 cups of juice. Once it boils, remove immediately away from flame and stir the powder mixture into boilding juice with a wire whisk stiring fast and constantly watching out that no lumps occur. Pour or spoon over freshly decorated fruite Torte from the middle in circular motion. This mixture will stiffen immediately.  So you must be working very fast.


Call the Chef when in trouble:  789-1417